Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 29th - Week 14: What did I learn from the interactive journal process?

Week 14: What did I learn from the interactive journal process?

I suspect that if I review all that is written to date by my classmates and myself the primary outcome is that I have been exposed to other perspectives other than my own. It enriches me to see all the questions, issues, from multiple perspectives based on individual experiences and knowledge.
Prior to taking our course, I did not know how or why I would consider blogging, except in a personal forum. I saw social networking as "something my students do" that I did not wish to participate in. Today, I cannot see how I can continue in education successfully without it. They say, knowledge is power. Understanding the purpose of edublogging and how to effectively use it has been an awakening for me. I feel I have now entered the 21st century. What I need to work on next is how to effectively incorporate the interactive journal seamlessly into my daily instruction and into the lives of my students. I tried to do a little this quarter, with my students, as part of their project, but with much resistance. I am in the process of using edublogging to guide me in this effort, from fellow educators that successfully use this tool in their daily instruction. Edublogging is such a wonderful tool - I wish I had such access to this tool when I was a new teacher years ago. Imagine the support and guidance I would have received!

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