Thursday, February 12, 2009

2/11 - Week 4: Addressing Parental Concern

"A parent has challenged the time you spend on giving your tests as well as those mandated by the state. How do you respond?"

My answer to this parent would be as follows:

"State testing neither drives nor dictates currriculum and instruction; instead it focuses instruction. In my view state testing focuses educational resources such as instruction on the most important aspects of education - imparting a pre-defined set of knowledge and skills. Often aspects of the state test can be incorporated into daily assessments.
In addition, preparing for state tests or any tests given in a course through review insures that both the student and the teacher can determine the degree of understanding of the material. I find when we review for any test, not matter how limited the time spent, I walk away with a better perspective as to what still needs to be developed or any misconceptions. It is an exercise that insures valuable data for all parties involved."

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