Friday, February 6, 2009

2/4 - Week 3: RAFT Post 2/6/09

In a supervisory position, I might have to act as a mediator between the teacher and her convictions with those of the parent. In this RAFT, I take on the role of a subject area supervior discussing a student's placement in CP versus Honors with an angry parent. The conversation is through a phone interaction.

R: Subject Area Supervisor
A: Angered parent about student placement
F: Phone Conversation
T: School's decision for student's placement in CP vs. Honors

A - Angry parent

R - Subject area supervisor.

R - Goodmorning Mrs. Madison, I understand that you wish to speak with me regarding Billy's placement in CP Physics.

A- Yes, that is correct!! I am very concerned that your decision has tracked Billy and will affect both his GPA and how colleges view his performance. Billy plans to go into Engineering and needs to show promise in physics. Billy does well in math and science, why would you do this to my son?

R - Mrs. Madison, I understand your concerns and know you want Billy to succeed. The key to success for any student is to help him build the confidence he needs to tackle the material at hand. Honors physics, although covering the same topics, moves at a much faster pace than CP. If a student falls behind for any reason, he might become lost. This affects the student in two ways: one, the student loses his confidence to be able to master the material and two, the student eventually loses interest in the subject matter - in other words, loses engagement. Ultimately, this leads to poor performance. In CP Physics, Billy will be able to follow the material at his own pace.

A- Are you saying that Billy is not competent in handling the material in Honors Physics?

R - No not at all, Mrs. Madison - we feel Billy is very competent - that is why we recommended that Billy take Physics his senior year.

R - Billy is a meticulous worker. He likes to take the time to perfect each assignment. His math skills are good but require extra time for him to work through each problem. In a faster paced course, Billy will be overwhelmed and stressed. Our goal is to have Billy succeed and receive a grade that will show his perspective colleges that he can master physics.

A- But colleges are looking for higher level courses!!

R- Yes, and physics is considered by virtue of its content, a higher level course. On Billy's transcipt, physics will stand out, especially with a high grade which we feel Billy can achieve. Moreso, we would like Billy to finish physics with the confidence that he can succeed in any future physics course in college.

R- Mrs. Madison, our goal is to work with you and Billy to give him the tools he needs to be successful in college. A thorough understanding of the concepts in physics will provide him with those tools. We are laying a solid foundation for Billy upon which he can build once he enters college.

A- But he will not enter a good college if he is not taking Honors Physics!!

R- Mrs. Madison, colleges do look for higher level courses to some degree, but moreso, they look for overall performance in the courses taken. Since physics by virtue of the course material is considered higher level, both requirements are fulfilled. In additon, physics is an elective in our science program. The fact that Billy decided to take this elective will impress colleges in of itself.

A- Are you sure he will be seen as a strong science student?

R- Mrs. Madison, Billy's transcript will speak for itself especially accompanied by a strong finish in physics.

A- Are you sure he will do well?

R - Mrs. Madison, I know Billy will try his best!!

A- Ok then, we will go with your recommendation.

R- Mrs. Madison, I thank you for your support. With your guidance and mine, Billy will know he can address any challenge and succeed- the best gift we can both offer him.

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